Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures Essay

Mechanistic and Organic Organizational Structures - Essay Example Mechanistic characteristics and features include; low differentiation of tasks, has an unwavering environment, centralized decision making, low integration where due to the stability of tasks there is low integration between departments and functional areas and moreover, in situations where tasks are stable they are standardized and formalized which facilitates the smooth running of operations without breakdown. Organic structures are best applicable in dynamic and uncertain environment and differentiation of tasks is high since tasks are often changing which calls for differentiation (Ross 2011). Additionally, organic organization structures have a higher integration of departments and functional areas as compared to mechanistic structures, decision making is decentralized and, there is little standardization and formalization, how? Due to the rapid change in tasks it is impractical to apply standardization and formalized procedures and instead tasks are supposed to be mutually adjusted so that each sub problem is balanced with other sub problems (Burn & Stalker

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Great Debate Essay Example for Free

The Great Debate Essay Sex and gender, nature and nurture; these are some terms that have been the heat of debate among the Social Science field for some time. Sex and gender have been used as interchanging terms for many years. You may ask, is there a difference? Yes, there is. Sex refers to the biological differences, chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external sex organs (Nobelius, NPG). Gender refers to characteristics that a society or culture delineates as masculine or feminine (Nobelius, NPG). The debate over sex/gender and nature versus nurture has been intriguing to many in the Social Science realm. Social Science has long been concerned with the extent to which certain aspects of behavior are a product of inherited (nature) or learned characteristics (nurture). Nature deals with the aspects of our being that are innate, while nurture regards how environmental aspects affect us. There is little doubt that genes (nature) determine such things as eye, hair or skin color. But the nature versus nurture debate seeks to understand how a person develops factors such as personality, intelligence and behavioral traits. There are many questions that arise with this debate. We know that both nature and nurture play parts in defining us as people, but exactly how much? If everything in our personality can be changed by our environment and how we learn, then does our birth sex matter? Does being male give the right to be the â€Å"head of the house†? And does being the mother always mean you have to raise the children? In my paper, I am going to discuss the history if this great debate of nature versus nurture, patrilineal and matrilineal societies as well as other cultures and how they function, followed by a brief summary and my conclusion. Going back into the history books, we know many people studied this topic (and similar behaviorism topics), people such as John B. Watson, Margaret Mead, Marshall Sahlins and B. F. Skinner. We can see the earliest recorded debate over this topic, using the terms â€Å"nature† and â€Å"nurture† started in France during the 13th century (, NPG) in a manuscript titled Silence. Though the exact terminology was â€Å"nature† and â€Å"noreture† (for nurture) these terms were used to discuss characteristics that worked to shape one’s personality (, NPG). 600 years later was the next instance by a man named Francis Galton in 1874 (, NPG). In Galton’s work English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture, published in 1874, Galton states: [Nature and nurture are] a convenient jingle of words, for it separates under two distinct heads the innumerable elements of which personality is composed. Nature is all that a man brings wi th himself into the world; nurture is every influence that affects him after his birth (, NPG). The meaning has stayed the same for the centuries that have passed, so let’s take a look at different types of societies, patriarchal (patrilineal) and matriarchal (matrilineal) and see if there are differences. The term patriarchal defines a social system in which the male acts as the primary authority figure, central to the social organization, and where fathers hold authority over women, children and property† (Wikipedia 3, NPG). Patrilineal refers to relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent though the paternal line (Dictionary, NPG), so, matriarchy and matrilineal mean the same, except for the women. We will look at Patriarchal/patrilineal societies first, starting with the United States, being both of these. â€Å"Patriarchy in the United States is based upon the idea of white male superiority. All others, those who are white and females, non-white and male, and non white and female, for example, are generally excluded from positions of privilege and power† (Reviere, pg. 1). In my opinion, the United States is a land that speaks of equality between race, gender and ethnic backgrounds, but does not act as such; women are often paid less than men for the same jobs, women are often objectified more than their male counterparts and women are often treated as inferior citizens. The males are taught early on that they are stronger, more superior to girls, they are molded and shaped by the toys they play with, how we (parents) talk to them, TV and movies. They are to be a â€Å"man’s man† and to act tough, macho and not cry. They are to be the head of the house, run the roost and be the breadwinner for the family. In the United States, the majority of the decisions are made by males, they run the political and religious aspects of the country as well as most households. Other counties that have patriarchal societies include (but are not limited to) Saudi Arabia, Italy, Uganda and Germany. In Saudi Arabia their religion, Islam, governs the way day-to-day life is ran. â€Å"In contemporary Muslim patriarchal societies, such control over women is considered necessary in part because women are regarded as the potential source of fitna, that is, moral or social disorder† (Mernissi, 1987). Also, women of all ages are required to have a male guardian â€Å"all women, regardless of age, are required to have a male guardian (Wikipedia 4, NPG). This guardian is the decision maker over things like education, marriage, elective surgeries, travel, work, etc. (Wikipedia 4, NPG). It is usually her husband, brother, or someone close within the family (Wikipedia 4, NPG). Also, women cannot vote or be elected to high political positions; law also prohibits them from driving (Wikipedia 4, NPG). â€Å"The World Economic Forum 2009 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Saudi Arabia 130th out of 134 countries for gender parity. It was the only country to score a zero in the category of political empowerment† (Wikipedia 4, NPG). In Italy, women’s sufferage came about and women were liberated somewhat. Women were allowed to vote in 1945 and were elected to Parliament in 1946 and also took part in the drafting of the Italian Constitution that same year (123, NPG). â€Å"For centuries, women were banned from the public arena, and Italy existed as a patriarchal society. Today, women have more rights, especially in the workplace, but Italian women deal with increased responsibilities in other areas while being expected to sustain their responsibilities at home without help from their spouses† (123, NPG). They are deemed the ultimate homemakers (Andrews, NPG). â€Å"Far more than in America or the UK, Italian mothers in the twenty-first century tend to be home-makers while their husbands go out to work† (Andrews, NPG). While they are allowed to work and even be in the political jobs, they are also expected to run the household entirely, â€Å"Italian women are faced with the task of working full time and also coming home to the full-time job of being a homemaker† (Wicket, NPG). While Italian women are becoming more modern, working, voting, and even being elected to high political positions, the mindset among men is still that of the old times (123, NPG). Actions won’t change until the mindset of true equality sets in. In Uganda, tradition dies hard. Uganda has a very patriarchal culture, so much so that, despite government, the people deny women rights and gender based violence is very high. The government is making tough decisions and laws to help aid women in the fight for equality (Irinnews, NPG). President Yoweri Museveni has been trying to make huge strides in equality over the last 25 years, but with little success. President Museveni stated in 2002, â€Å"womens rights for the first time have been enshrined in the Ugandan constitution. Ugandas womens movement has grown dramatically into a vibrant political force throughout the country. Uganda also is the first African country to have appointed a woman as vice president. The affirmative action policy has, for example, ensured that at least a third of legislative and civic positions were reserved for women. The Ugandan government also introduced a Universal Primary Education (UPE) policy to provide free education to four children per family, two of whom must be girls.† (Irinnews, NPG). Presently, the Ugandan government has offered assistance in furthering women’s rights, economic and infrastructure issues continue to prevent women from achieving gender equality (Irinnews, NPG). But even with a tough government, customary laws and traditions are still hard to fight. Traditions in Uganda die hard and ownership of land upon death of the husband, is one of those. â€Å"Uganda is still largely a patrilineal society. Customary practices that place women in an inferior position continue to operate in many communities in spite of the statutory laws that condemn such practices. Under customary law, women do not inherit property on widowhood. When a man dies, the clan immediately appoints an heir. The heir is usually the first son in the family. He inherits the property of the deceased and he is supposed to take care of everybody in the home† (Asiimwe, pg. 8). Another issue in Uganda would be gendered violence. Although President Museveni has condemned violence against women, it still takes place, he stated â€Å"gender-based violence and other discriminatory practices in our society have also hampered women from using their skills in development activities and prevented them from claiming their social-economic rights, for example, property rights and inheritance† (Ssempogo, NPG). While women play a central role in society, and few have been empowered, he noted most are still trapped in the low-income category (Ssempogo, NPG). In 2007, it was reported that 70 percent of women, since the age of 15 years, had experienced some form of violence (physical or sexual) inflicted by their spouse or intimate partner and 16 percent have experienced it during pregnancy (UDHS, pg. 15). Uganda’s President isn’t giving up hope or his fight. He still persists with his fight for equality, fight to end violence against women and pushes for women to be landowners, even without a male’s involvement. Looking at matriarchal and matrilineal societies, we will first discuss the Iroquois tribe, then the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra, the Mosou of China and finally the Asante of the Akan in Ghana. First looking at the Iroquois, while they are now a chapter out of our history books, they were truly a matriarchal and matrilineal society. â€Å"In the Iroquois community, women were the keepers of culture they enjoyed equality and respect (Portland State University, NPG). They were responsible for defining the political, social, spiritual and economic norms of the tribe (Portland State University, NPG). Iroquois society was matrilineal, meaning descent was traced through the mother rather than through the father† (Portland State University, NPG). They also preformed many tasks and activities that were commonly reserved for men, such as, gambling, Medicine Societies, they also participated in politics, were landowners and tended to the crops (Portland State University, NPG). Also, when a couple marries, the man traditionally went to live with the wifes family (Portland State University, NPG). Although the leaders were men, it was the Clan Mothers who nominated and elected them, and could remove them from their position; the women made sure the male leadership fulfilled their responsibilities (Portland State University, NPG). The Minangkabau are the largest and most stable matrilineal society in the world today, numbering some 4 million people in West Sumatra (Sanday, NPG). They are a proud people well known in Indonesia for their literary flair, democratic leanings, business acumen, and matriarchal ways (Sanday, NPG). With the Minangkabau people, â€Å"tribal law requires all clan property to be held and bequeathed from mother to daughter, the Minangkabau firmly believe the mother is the most important person in society. Upon marriage, every woman acquires her own sleeping quarters. The husband may sleep with her, but must leave early in the morning to have breakfast at his mother’s home. At age 10, boys leave their mother’s home to stay in men’s quarters and learn practical skills. Men are always clan chief, but women select the chief and can remove him from office should they feel he failed to fulfill his duties† (Garrison, NPG) Their matriarchal customs are being threated by the industrialization of Indonesia (Sanday, NPG). Westernized culture is influencing parts of Indonesia with malls, bookstores and public transportation (Sanday, NPG). But the Minangkabau people are holding tight to the reigns of their way of life, not giving up so easily to outside influences. The Mosuo are perhaps the most famous matrilineal society. The Mosuo live with extended family in large households; at the head of each is a matriarch. Lineage is traced through the female side and property is passed and inherited along the matriline (Garrison, NPG). Women are business minded while the men run the political side; children are raised in the mother’s household, and also take her name (Garrison, NPG). In this society, there is virtually no violence; in fact, it is shameful to fight (Spiegel, NPG). Men are expected to finish the tasks give (by women), when he doesn’t, he is expected to admit it; he is not scolded or punished, but yet, treated as a boy who was not up to the task (Spiegel, NPG). Men are raised to be competent, men are good for aiding in decision making and physical labor and the Mayor is a male, but little attention is paid to him and he doesn’t have authority (figurehead) (Spiegel, NPG). Women decide with whom they want to spend the night, it can change daily (Spiegel, NPG). When a man enters a woman’s house (hut), he hangs his hat on a hook, outside the front door for others to see this woman has a male visitor (Spiegel, NPG). In the event a woman falls in love, she will only accept this man and this man will only come to this woman (Spiegel, NPG). The women solely care for the children, with the father playing little to no role (Spiegel, NPG). In the Mosuo society, women are the sole caretakers, money managers, leaders, laborers, and decision makers (Spiegel, NPG). They have virtually no use for the man except to fall in love with and for child-making, other than that, the men are â€Å"useless† until given a task by a woman (Spiegel, NPG). Lastly, the Asante of the Akan. The Akan are the majority in Ghana and still adhere to the matrilineal social structure despite pressures from the local government to change (Garrison, NPG). â€Å"The Akan social organization is fundamentally built around the matriclan. Within this matrilineal clan, identity, inheritance, wealth and politics are all determined. All matriclan founders are female, but men traditionally hold leadership positions. Succession to inheritable appointments is still determined by the male’s relationships to the women in his matriclan. Often, the man is expected to not only support his own family, but those of his female relatives† (Garrison, NPG). In the Asante tribe (part of the Akan), traditionally, both men and women serve as political leaders. The highest-level female leader is believed to be the mother of the entire society and it is she who chooses the male leadership (Brydon, 229). Asante’s ancestry is traced to a mother figure and through the line (Brydon, 229). Their stories and folklores also originate from a motherly figure (Brydon, 229). Although a woman’s brothers and sons have superior claim to property, women control the resources (Brydon, 229). Females are also responsible for settling domestic affairs (Brydon, 229). Asante’s women are viewed both internally (by the clans) and outwardly (by other cultures) and a strong and empowered female centered society (Brydon, 229) So the â€Å"Great Debate† asks, all of what we learn, our behavior, our intelligence, our â€Å"way we are†, is it internally inclined or socially constructed? In my Section A paper, I referenced a study done by Margaret Mead in New Guinea in the 1930s. In this study, she used ethnography to study three tribes, their behavior, their children and the results were immediately noticeable. The tribes were the Arapesh, the Mundugumor and the Tchumbuli (Lindsey, pg. 21-22). Tribal children regurgitated the behaviors learned by their parents and other tribe members. The Arapesh were noted in the text as â€Å"nurturant and compliant† between both genders (Lindsey, pg. 21). Both genders achieved great amounts of pleasure in tasks such as gardening, hunting and parenting (Lindsey, pg. 21). The Arapesh shared these tasks equally and willingly (Lindsey, pg. 21). Mead concluded that even though some societies have labeled tasks as paternal/maternal, their tasks (Arapesh) could not be separated based on gender (Lindsey, pg. 21). The Tchumbuli tribe was comparable to what we are more familiar with in the United States, but in reverse. The Tchumbuli tribe displayed a role reversal in gender roles (Lindsey, pg. 22). â€Å"This tribe consisted of proficient, and unadorned women and passive, vain, and decorated men† (Lindsey, pg. 22). Women fueled the tribe economically by being skilled in trades such as hunting, basket weaving and barter or trade (Lindsey, pg. 22.). Men were less masculine, remained close to the homes, danced and practiced art (Lindsey, pg. 22). Men also fought for the affection and attention of women; women usually accepted and tolerated the advances, sometimes even finding their need for attention amusing (Lindsey, pg. 22). The Mundugumor tribe was drastically different from both tribes. The Mundugumor tribe â€Å"barely tolerated children† (Lindsey, pg. 21). Children were often left to fend for themselves, they were taught to be fierce and hostile, competitive and wary of others (Lindsey, pg. 21). Mother nor father showed much affection, nurturing or tenderness towards children, even their own and often used harsh, physical punishments (Lindsey, pg. 21). The learned behavior quickly culminated to understanding tribal success being â€Å"measured by aggression, with violence as acceptable, expected solution to many problems† (Lindsey, pg. 21). Due to the hostile, angry nature of the Mundugumor tribe, the children exacted these roles in their adolescent and adult life with their children and the cycle continued (Lindsey, pg. 21). Mead noted that as with the Arapesh tribe, the Mundugumor tribe did not differentiate between male and female roles. That both male and female roles were interchangeable and personalities did not differentiate based on gender (Lindsey, pg. 21). This information, coupled with the differences in the patriarchal and matriarchal societies lead me to believe and draw conclusion that â€Å"nurture† is the true winner in the debate. In society, many traits we attribute to being â€Å"inherited† such as how we act like one of our parents, or how we grow up to be a certain way, with certain morals and beliefs; but these are not inherited, but merely cultured by the environment (our home life, upbringing). How we act (or the role we play) is largely based on the ideals, morals, beliefs and customs of the society we associate ourselves with. As shown above, many different cultures do things differently, so to say that things are â€Å"inherited†, I would say is wrong. Rather, the term I would use instead is â€Å"guided†- people are guided by their surroundings and families. While they are free to make their own decisions about who they want to be, what they want to believe and such, they are still shaped by what is deemed acceptable or not by the society they live in. It all relates back to cultural relativism, where nurture, not nature, shapes who we are. References Asiimwe, Florence Owen Crankshaw. â€Å"The impact of customary laws on inheritance: A case study of widows in Urban Uganda.† Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution. Vol 3 (1). Jan 2011. Web. 1 August 2012. Andrews, Cath. â€Å"Italian Family Traditions- Mothers, Sons and Marriage in Italy†. EZ Articles. 8 April 2010. Web. 1 August 2012.,-Sons-and-Marriage-in-Italyid=4074668 Brydon, Lynne. â€Å"WOMEN CHIEFS AND POWER IN THE VOLTA REGION OF GHANA.† JOURNAL OF LEGAL PLURALISM. 1996. Web. 1 August 2012. Dictionary. â€Å"Patrilineal.† 2012. Web. 29 Jul 2012. Garrison, Laura. â€Å"6 Modern Societies Ruled by Women.† Mental_Floss. 23 July 2012. Web. 1 August 2012. Lindsey, Linda. (2005). Gender Roles a Sociological Perspective. (4 ed.). Pearson Education International. Mernissi, Fatima. â€Å"Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in Modern Muslim Society.† (Revised Edition). 1987. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press Nobelius, Ann-Maree. â€Å" What is the difference between sex and gender?† Monash University. 23 June 2004. Web. 26 July 2012. WEBLINK NEEDED N.A. Women in Politics: Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Web. 01 Aug 2012. N.A. â€Å" Uganda: Focus- Little change for women despite affirmative action.† 19 Dec 2002. Web. 1 August 2012. N.a. â€Å"Nature versus Nurture: Genetics and Environment†. 2011. Web. 26 July 2012. Portland State University. â€Å"Iroquois Women.† Portland State University. 1 October 2001. Web. 1 August 2012. Reviere, R. â€Å"Women in US Prisons: Behind the Bars of the Patriarchy.† University of California, San Diego. N.d. Web. 29 July 2012. Sanday, Peggy. â€Å"An excerpt from Women at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy.† University of Pennsylvania. 2002. Web. 1 August 2012. Spiegel. â€Å"Men live better where women are in charge.† Spiegel International. 28 May 2008. Web. 1 August 2012. Ssempogo, Herbert. â€Å"Uganda: Gender Violence Blocks Women Rights.† 5 October 2010. Web. 1 August 2012. UDHS- Uganda Demographic and Health Survey. â€Å"Uganda Demographic and Health Survey Key Findings 2006.â€Å" Uganda Bureau of Statistics. 2006. Web. 1 August 2012. Wicket, Sticky. â€Å"Italian Culture Produces Patriarchal Society.† 16 June 2010. Web. 1 August 2012. Wikipedia 1. â€Å"Nature versus Nurture.† 20 July 2012. Web. 26 July 2012. Wikipedia 2. â€Å"John B. Watson.† 22 July 2012. Web. 26 July 2012. Wikipedia 3. â€Å"Patriarchy.† May 2010. Web. 29 July 2012. Wikipedia 4. â€Å"Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia.† 24 July 2012. Web. 29 July 2012.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free Essays - Southern Black Vernacular in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays

Use of the Southern Black Vernacular in Their Eyes Were Watching God "The monstropolous beast had left his bed. The two hundred miles an hour wind had loosed his chains. He seized hold of his dikes and ran forward until he met the quarters; uprooted them like grass and rushed on after his supposed-to-be conquerors, rolling the dikes, rolling the houses, rolling the people in the houses along with other timbers. The sea was walking the earth with a heavy heel. ‘De’ lake is comin’!’ Tea Cake gasped."J This excerpt from Zora Neale Hurston’s book, Their Eyes Were watching God, is an example of her amazing writing. She makes us feel as if we are actually in her book, through her use of the Southern Black vernacular and admirable description. Her characters are realistic and she places special, well thought out sentences to keep us interested. Zora Neale Hurston’s art enables her to write this engaging story about a Southern black woman’s life. Mrs. Hurston uses Southern Black dialect through out the book. This is appropriate because all of the dialog is between Blacks who grew up in the deep South. Some authors that write in a dialect totally confuse their readers. However, Mrs. Hurston’s writing does not confuse us at all. One particular example of this is on page 102. Tea Cake starts off saying, "‘Hello, Mis’ Janie, Ah hope Ah woke you up.’ ‘Yo sho did, Tea Cake. Come in and rest yo’ hat. Whut you doin’ out so soon dis mornin’?’" Janie replied. This dialog is easily to understand. The reader really gets the feeling of the speech because reading it is just like listening to it. Mrs. Neale also knows where to stop writing in dialect. All of the narration and description in the book are in plain English: she does not confuse us by putting narration in dialect, only the speech of characters is in dialect. This part of Zora Neale Hurston’s art adds to the sto ry without confusing the reader. Mrs. Hurston not only uses the vernacular of the Deep South she also uses Southern traditional legends. One example of this is how the book refers to death. Death is called the, "Square-toed one," that comes from the West. Even if the reader is not familiar with referring to death as the, "Square-toed one," the use of traditional legends helps to make us feel like we are where the book took place.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bernard Marx - Brave New World Essay -- essays research papers

Bernard Marx, being a male Alpha, is the type of person who just doesn’t really fit in. While just about all people are very open about their thoughts and personal feelings, Bernard is very secretive about many of his thoughts and actions. For instance, when Lenina tries to talk to him about â€Å"having her,† his face goes pale and he insists that they discuss it in private (pg 58). He seems to be very concerned about what people would think if he started talking about that kind of stuff in front of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frequently Bernard sets himself off from the rest of the Alphas because he believes he is very different than the rest of them. It is rumored that he accidentally got alcohol while he was being born causing his stunted growth. Because of this, he is constantly extremely frustrated with his craving to fit in with the rest of the Alphas and not be considered different. His most distressing experiences come when he has to give orders to members of lower castes (pg 64). Having the physique of the average Gamma, he frequently finds himself having hard times getting the lower caste members to listen to him. His physical inadequacy caused woman to laugh at him if he made a proposal to â€Å"have† her, men would joke to one another, and constant mockery caused him to feel like an outsider. Another interesting oddity in Bernard is his dislike of soma. When meeting with Benito Hoover, he was offered a gramme of soma, to which he quickly turned and walked away (pg...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patriarchal Societies: the Historical Evidence

Joelle Davis John Duran John Hicks Morgan Plasse Travis Rogers Eric Thomason PATRIARCHAL SOCIETIES: THE HISTORICAL EVIDENCE AND CONTEMPORARY DIRECTION â€Å"Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings. † ? Cheris Kramarae INTRODUCTION Since the first records of complex civilizations, male dominance in human culture has molded itself into global societies and has forced women into lives of subordination and inequality. Historically, men have stood as the primary political figures and leaders, while women have been inclined to take on supportive and more household-oriented roles.This same structure of societies and governments has made its way into nearly every inhabited geographic area, and where has attached itself since the first immigration periods (? ). So from what root did this idealism mysteriously stem? Scientific research points that in times far preceding the birth of complex societies, Neanderthals wandered the Earth in a much different fashion. Eviden ce derived from fossils and uncovered leftovers seem (noun/verb disagreement: â€Å"Evidence †¦ seems†) to encourage the thought that people lived much more of an egalitarian lifestyle 30,000 years ago.Women, quite possibly, may have helped to hunt as well as nurse children, while men at times may have stayed behind to harvest crops. Though males were the primary hunters, the flexibility that may have been cast on gender roles is polar opposite to what would develop as humans became more advanced. There is a lot of argument and confusion on the topic of patriarchal origins, and what may have happened between this time of suspected weak gender roles and the time of male dominance. Whether or not the answer will ever be clear, its (usage: its or it’s) important to understand how long it has taken for our orld to considered (infinitive) women to be equal. In our nation itself, there was a time in which when an 18 year old boy with no political experience and little t o no real world knowledge could stand next to a wise, middle aged, female professional and cast a vote, while she could not. This did not come to an end until 1920, approximately 3,600 years after the creation of the first set of societal laws in Babylonian times. As we will discuss, patriarchal systems of family and societal life led from early Mesopotamia to all regions of the world over thousands of years.Though present today in almost every nation, the extent of patriarchal influences have diminished (noun/verb) over time and the freedom and rights of women have become more evident. THE ORIGINS OF PATRIARCHAL SOCIETIES The first evidence of patriarchal societies lies as far back in time as the emergence of man’s first complex societies around 3,000 BC. Cities in the West Asian land of Mesopotamia, such as Ur and Uruk of the Sumer region, existed as what are considered the oldest settlements, and were built with the first sophisticated infrastructures and governing domains .The first concepts of patriarchies developed in these cities, and became tightly woven into the structure of future cultures. One of the first sets of law to govern the people of Mesopotamia was written during the era of Babylonia, which began around 2000 BC. Famously known as Hammurabi’s code, the stone-scribed document listed policies and regulations for its people to abide by. These heavily included the rights of women, which were undeniably much more constricted than those of men. The women of Mesopotamia had certain rights, which included the right to buy and sell goods, own property, and work outside of the house.However, the power of men to exist above and over them made these rights appear to be measly and minuscule. Husbands were able to sell their wives into slavery and legally commit adultery and have multiple wives. If women were to cheat on their husbands, they could be ordered to death as their punishment. Politically, men were the primary (if not, only) figure s influencing all decisions made, including the development and direction of the city-states. Judging by the example given in Hammurabi’s Code (if a proper noun here, then why not in the few sentences preceding this one? , it is needless to say that that (? ) males controlled the cities of Mesopotamia, and thus, the world’s earlier settlements. The ideas and concepts of patriarchies would grow from this age and wrap around the foundations of nearly every society for millenniums to come. Please acknowledge all ideas you have borrowed from secondary sources and have paraphrased and/or summarized with parenthetical citations. PATRIARCHY IN GREECE Some of (? ) most complex societies in our early history came about from between 650 BC – 100 AD along the Mediterranean sea.At the start of this time, Greek society was blooming into one of the most unprecedented cultural beauties, rich with visual, art, drama, mythology, and dramatic literature. In 510 BC, Athens became the site of the first democratic government, paving the way for citizen-oriented governments to come. In this democracy, all men over the age of 18 were granted the right to vote on political issues, which is something that was extremely new in those times. The rights of the common male may have been leaning towards equality, but women still faced subordination to men.In fact, the lack of rights to women across Greek land were solidified (noun/verb) by law. This varied throughout the country, more extreme or less emphasized among different city-states. For instance, in Sparta women were highly respected and able to speak for themselves, yet the land was still run primarily by the male-run military. Athenian women, however, had few rights and were typically confined to their homes. Their husbands were in total control as heads of households, and lead the direction of family’s daily lives.Thus, it is clearly evident that democratic Greece was still heavily influenced by patriar chal philosophies. The word â€Å"patriarch† refers to the male leader of a family and comes from the Greek word â€Å"patriarches. †(The Free Resource) End punctuation follows the parenthetical citation. Ancient Greece was an agricultural society in its founding. Societies that are agricultural are typically patriarchal in the context that the male in the family, whether it is father, husband, or brother, made (shift in verb tense) the key cultural, religious, and financial decisions within the family and community sector (The Free Resource).Ancient Greece followed for the most part in that same context. The system of patriarchy was developed in Greece in roughly the 4th and 5th century B. C. E. Shortly following its establishment, women’s rights and privileges were on the rapid decline. Greek women were not allowed to participate in politics. â€Å"According to legend, the goddess Athena won by just one female vote, the right to name the city Athens. Because of this initiative by a woman, as a punishment, all future generations of women would not be allowed to participate in politics â€Å"(The Free Resource).These kinds of legends and religious beliefs further suppressed and in societal terms it appeared to be justified. Some of the information in this paragraph is redundant. Consider combining this paragraph with the one preceding it. Although woman for (? ) inferior in terms of politics, they were vital and powerful in relation to artisan families and influence behind her husband. â€Å"Socrates spent so much time teaching in the marketplace because of his wife Xantippe's sharp tongue when he was at home. † (Guisepi, Robert) If you are using MLA style, then delete the comma and first name.A woman with a strong personality behind a man that was firmly rooted in a political forum, such as the Senate, could have large political influence but very much in an indirect format. But in law and culture, women were held inferior. Even the activities of free women were daily put into question and were not respected highly in societal terms. â€Å"The raping of a free woman, though a crime, was a lesser offense than seducing her, since seduction meant winning her affections away from her duties. † (Guisepi, Robert) Even infant females were regarded in a substandard way.Families that were over burdened with children would often resort to infanticide and discard the female infants. The woman’s father usually arranged marriages. Divorce was legal for men but woman had to go to court and were frequently unsuccessful. Adultery was common with men but woman could be divorced or severely punished if caught (Guisepi, Robert). What is the controlling idea in this paragraph? The only Greek society that was vaguely different was Sparta. Education was also extended to girls. Both sexes exercised naked.Women however (comma error) could not compete by the Olympic rules, while Spartan men were very successful (Cartl edge, Paul). When their husbands were at war or out of the home, women assumed control and made the necessary choice that her husband would have made. Women could negotiate with their husbands to bring their lovers into the home so they could be monitored (Cartledge, Paul). The way Sparta is portrayed in movies, as being very equal, is rather false. Spartan society exhibited many of the same classic patriarchal beliefs as the rest of Greece did.Does this sentence contradict the topic sentence? PATRIARCHY IN CHINA Patriarchal structures of society have been prominent in Chinese culture since around 1000 BC. Texts dating back 200 BC refer to men being masters of the outside world with women being masters of the home. Immediate families existed (? ) not only focused on parents and offspring, but grandparents, living relatives, and even the spirits of descendants. The senior males of these families demanded respect from all subordinates, including their wives.Women were legally subordin ate to men and were usually frowned upon at birth due to the fact that they would one day just become an asset of another family after years of being raised. A common phrase from that time which stayed with China until the end of the imperial period was, â€Å"the three subordinations and the four virtues† being, â€Å"a woman was to be subordinate to her father in youth, her husband in maturity, and her son in old age. (Natalie Bennett)† Punctuate with commas to setoff appositives—for example, â€Å"A common phrase from that time, which stayed with China until the end of the imperial period, was †¦. Also, is â€Å"imperial period† a proper noun? While generally thought of as a more western term, patriarchy has also historically been a heavy influence in Asia, particularly within China (Should we move this to the start of this subtopic? Yes! Organization. ). Men in China have historically held political power, being ruled by an emperor until 1912. T he title of emperor was passed from father to son in each dynasty with the empress holding very limited power. On top of this the emperor and many other upper class men had multiple wives as a symbol of their wealth while women could not have more than on (? husband. The average women were generally considered failures if they grew up without finding a husband or work as a slave; most people in China considered a woman’s job to be a subservient wife (BBC). To make matters worse, during the Song dynasty, around 1000 AD, the custom of foot binding quickly spread among high class families, eventually spreading all across China. Foot binding entails wrapping a young girls (possessive) feet painfully tight which prevents further growth; leading to â€Å"beautiful feet and causing their movements more feminine and dainty† (Nancy Miles) but also causing lifelong disability.Up to 50% of women during the nineteenth century had bound feet; for upper class women it was upward of 95%. Even after it was banned in 1912 many families continued to do it in fear that they may hurt their daughter’s (plural and possessive) chances for good marriage (Louisa Lim). This practice of foot binding even further limited the power of women in Chinese society and in turn helped fuel the patriarchy during the empire. Punctuate with a semi-colon to link independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction; to connect independent clauses separated by a conjunctive adverb; and in a series with internal punctuation.With a transitional signal, you can combine these two paragraphs. There is the more contemporary issue of the country’s one-child policy, leading to many forced sex-selective abortions (awkward). Most parents in China value a male child over a female child, believing sons have more social and economic value so when forced to choose to keep a child they more often keep males. This had (? ) lead to a huge skew in the gender ratios; for every 100 females t here are 119 males (Graeme Russle).Post-imperial China has, thankfully, seen (don’t split the verb) large improvements for women’s rights. Women have made a strong push into the economic (? ) and job market, holding the highest percentages of women employed in Asia (BBC). Although the patriarchy in China has been constantly getting smaller in the 20th and 21st century effects of it are still everywhere and change comes slowly, with people fighting for every inch they can get. PATRIARCHY IN INDIA In other parts of Asia, societies dug the foundations of patriarchies far deeper than preceding civilizations.Between 1000 BC and 300 BC, the Vedic empire of East India flourished in rich culture and strong religious elements. However, the extremely strict and conservative laws of the land were particularly harsh on female citizens. The villages, which were administered by men, saw that women were kept from religious and social activities. Political councils were governed prima rily by the head of households which were always men, and if all males of the important families died, the family was thus excluded from political activity.Families were led by the oldest male, who also claimed ownership of all family possessions. Women were often wed through arranged marriages right before puberty (to promote virginity at marriage), and were unable to remarry even if their husband (plural) passed away. In rare situations, women would perform sati, a practice in which women would cremate themselves live on their husbands (possessive and plural) funeral pyre. According to the Vedic people, the manners in which the rights of women were regulated so severely were thought to be for their own good.The idea was that if they â€Å"performed [them] with grace and devotion, they might expect a better status in their next incarnation† (74, Judge and Langdon I don’t believe any style formats parenthetical citations in this way). In comparison to its existence in Mesopotamian societies, the concepts of patriarchal societies in India became more influential in daily life than ever witnessed before and would remain even into the modern day. One way to combine this paragraph with the one below is to revise the topic sentence. For example, Patriarchy in India is represented in the caste system and has its roots in the Hindu religion.Since then and still to this day, the representation of patriarchy in India is the caste system. The caste system is defined as, (delete the comma) â€Å"an elaborately stratified social hierarchy distinguishing India’s social structure from any other nation† (1). A person is born into their his/her caste, will shun those from another caste, and never move up in the system in their lifetime. As you go down the hierarchy of the caste system, a person’s â€Å"pureness† diminishes. Women suffered from the bias outlook that women were polluted simply because of the body functions unique to wom en.Avoid second person pronouns. This view of women automatically placed them below the men of their caste (1). Aside from the caste system, Patriarchy also has roots in the Hindu religion, which is the dominant religion in India. It is believed that aspects of the female principle must be neutralized by the male principle (3). If the female principle is not neutralized, it will result in a violent and destructive behavior. Also, women are believed to have a far greater and uncontrollable sexual appetite than men. It was feared that women would istract men from their religious duties, so men would have to control women in order to control their lust (3). This belief was viewed as justification for male dominance over women. Both the caste system and Hinduism laid the groundwork allowing Patriarchy to flourish in Indian culture. In modern Indian culture, women are gaining more independence from the traditional systems that allowed Patriarchy to function. The Constitution of India, wh ich came into effect on January 26th, 1950, assured its people â€Å"justice, equality, and liberty† (4).In section III, under Article 15, it explicitly lists that â€Å"The state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them† (4) Although, before modern laws were written to establish equality, women had a low status in Indian society. After getting married, the Bride’s (capitalization) family was expected to pay large amounts of money to the Groom’s family and was then expected to live with the Groom’s family. Basically, the Bride would have to buy into the family. PATRIARCHY IN THE MIDDLE EASTIn the present day Middle East, governing laws have primarily been focused around Islamic religion since its foundations. This legal code, known as Shari'Ah, is based on moral and spiritual ideals, and â€Å"prescribes the pathway to paradise† (Judge and Langdon, 274). The Shari'Ah wa s completed between 7-9 CE and is still implemented in the legal systems of some Middle Eastern countries today. Combine these two paragraphs. Some of the concepts included in the Shari'ah clearly state the gender roles of men and women in early Islamic society, usually putting women in a place of subordination that is justified as being for their own protection. Men are required to treat their women with honor and respect. The insistence that women be veiled in public and spend much of their lives sequestered in their homes [†¦ ] are designed in part to promote honor and respect for women† (Judge and Langdon, 274). Additionally, men were (shift in tense) allowed to practice polygamy, as long as he â€Å"treats them equally in terms of financial support, sexual intercourse, household duties, and respect† (Judge and Langon, 275). What resulted from this mentality and the strict constitutional view of the Shari’ah, in other words that it cannot be changed (? , was a modernizing society with old fashioned laws. As time passed, women’s rights in the middle east that were originally written for women’s protection began to gradually put women in a position of pure inequality. An issue of debate to this day concerns the status of women in the Middle East. There is an extensive notion that the region and its people are traditional, change is unhurried and is not welcome. In accounts and popular Western perceptions, the status of women is assumed to be universally low, which may be, in all probability, due to the centrality of Islam in the lives of the people and the rules of the earth.Many writings have focused on Middle Eastern women as victims of inflexible laws, oppressive regimes, and fundamentalist engagements. Other writings tend to move too far in an opposing trend, and in overcompensation for the negative portrayal of Middle Eastern women. They try to dispute that Islam elevates women, or that Middle Eastern women actuall y carry â€Å"vast control†, or â€Å"restrained influence†, at least in their households. It is methodologically incomplete to tender â€Å"Islam† as the illustrative variable in strength and change.The status of women in the Middle East cannot be understood by substitute to Quran explanation, as well as not be possible for those Middle Eastern women are all persecuted, or that they are simple submissive observers of the dealings around them. The longstanding constraints on women's mobility and freedom of action have been eroded by the process of development and growth. You’ll need to decide whether the Middle East is a proper noun or not, and be consistent. Please acknowledge your sources. This topic sentence suggests you are no longer discussing patriarchy in India.Patriarchal society is a social formation which has traditionally existed in varying forms throughout the world, women being dominated by the male society. In classic patriarchy, the senior man has say-so over everyone else in the family, including younger men, and women are focus to distinct forms of control and subordination. The goal of patriarchy roots in the household, which is also commonly linked with the reproduction of the peasantry in agrarian societies (Kandiyoti 1988). A fragment is a grammatically incomplete sentence, possessing either a subject or a predicate.Making a sentence grammatically complete means it must have a subject and predicate. The subordination of women in kinship-ordered or political societies is related to the reproduction of the family assembly or of the peasantry as well as to the sexual division of labor. There is a disposition to male dominance inherent in the relation between the peasant household, landlords, position, and in the imitation of ordered groups, wherein women are exchanged and men are the translators in what Gayle Rubin has called â€Å"the traffic in women† (Rubin 1975 use the same style throughout this paper).I n a patriarchal context, women are assimilated into concepts of property. Forcing an unwanted marriage or mother to the unwanted child forced by society and religion to become obedient towards all men not just their husbands. PATRIARCHY IN THE UNITED STATES Use the tab key to indent all paragraphs. Long before the birth of the United States, ideas of patriarchies were carried westward with the migrations of the Amerinds (? ). This is assumed by researchers because gender roles were present in the first indigenous inhabitants of the West, even as far as Central and South America.Men dominated the political systems of tribes and settlements, while women raised crops and nurtured children at home. This way of assigning designated activities for both men and women was not unlike the gender roles on the opposite side of the planet. Therefore, some studies suggest that when humans migrated to what is now the Americas around 8000-5000 BC, societies were already structured to have males as lead figures while women carried out supportive roles. The standard was set for the duration of the Native Americans’ rule over the North, Central, and South America, and continued until they were dominated by European settlers.A tree with deep roots stood strong and proved very difficult to uproot. It changed over the years since then in various ways and women would eventually gain more power in society, but nonetheless it still existed when the United States became a nation. See my comment above regarding acknowledging sources. European societies based themselves upon the practices of patriarchy, so it is no surprise the first immigrants from Europe took this societal system with them.When the settlers inhabited the newly established colonies, they brought their traditional attitudes concerning the roles women should possess and their status in society with them (Sage 1). â€Å"Puritans organized their family around the unquestioned principle of patriarchy (Vandergriff 1). † â€Å"Their religion taught that family roles were part of a continuous chain of hierarchical and delegated authority descending from God (1). † The parenthetical citation follows the quotation mark. The role of each family member was important to the success of the family.Although the wife was subordinate, she could participate in public life through her husband (Sage 1). If the husband became injured she had to assume his role. This even applied to casting his vote in an election if need be (1). â€Å"Without a strong and productive wife a family would struggle to survive (1). † The father was always in charge in early New England. He had the right to intervene in the lives of his children, control their behavior, and even select their spouse (Vandergriff 1). Marriage was referred to as a contract between two unequal beings.The husband occupied the support role in which it was his responsibility to provide for the family and the wife was expected to be a ser vant to the husband. The wife was subordinate in the hierarchy of society but before God both men and women were considered equal (Vandergriff 1). Before marriage single women could represent themselves in court, carry out business, and even own property. Once married, however, women could only engage in business with the consent of her husband their husbands. It was believed that after marriage the legal identity of the woman became part of her husband (1).If a woman engaged in business while she was married her personal property, profits, and real estate belonged to her husband. Even if he could not be trusted with it and was not responsible, she could do nothing about it (1). Be aware of redundancies and consider how you might revise and combine this paragraph with the one above. Women were considered to be weaker than men physically, emotionally, and mentally. They were often referred to as â€Å"weaker vessels†. Women lacked the ability to legally vote and could not hold public office in colonial society (Sage 1).Although women had limited rights, many were still able to carry out business and do tasks not generally associated with the traditional roles of women. Labor was limited in the colonies so many women held jobs as midwives, teachers, printers and even doctors (1). In this aspect, the colonial period exhibited a degree of egalitarianism (Vandergriff 1). â€Å"Although women in colonial America could by no means be considered to have been held â€Å"equal† to men, they were as a rule probably as well off as women anywhere in the world, and in general probably even better off (Sage 1). † Nothing in this paragraph supports the topic sentence.During the nineteenth and the twentieth century (plural), many aspects concerning the roles of women, their rights, and their impact on society changed dramatically. In the nineteenth century women began to get out of the house and go to work in great numbers, with The majority worked in the textile industry and garment shops They often worked working many hours and in terrible atmospheres (an example of sentence combining). It was not until around 1910 that states began to pass laws limiting working hours and making working conditions more tolerable (â€Å"Women’s History in America† 1).Many jobs began to require education in order to practice the profession. This tended to limit a woman’s ability to enter careers that were considered professional. This was fairly common in the medical field. The American Medical Association was started in 1846, but and women were not permitted to join this association or men’s medical colleges, so they attended female schools (1). From 1890 to 1980 the percentage of total female doctors who were women went (diction) from five percent to seventeen percent. Women improved their statuses in other professions such as law and engineering as well (1).The teaching profession was a huge field of employment for wome n. More than twice as many women were teachers of elementary and high school compared to men in 1980. However, two out of every three teachers of higher education were male. Even in the present day, most working women find employment in clerical, retail, and service jobs (1). Combine simple sentences. A woman’s education seemed to always be secondary to a man’s. Towards the end of the 19th century the number of women attending secondary schools increased greatly due to the rise in female colleges and women being permitted to enroll in colleges with men.One-fifth of college students were women in 1870; by 1900 the proportion of women to men in college had grown to one-third (â€Å"Women’s History in America† 1). â€Å"Women obtained 19 percent of all undergraduate college degrees around the beginning of the 20th century. By 1984 the figure had sharply increased to 49 percent. Women also increased their numbers in graduate study. By the mid-1980s women wer e earning 49 percent of all master's degrees and about 33 percent of all doctoral degrees. In 1985 about 53 percent of all college students were women (1). Numerous laws were passed in the 1900’s to benefit women and to increase equality between the sexes. In 1920, women gained the right to vote by the nineteenth amendment (proper noun) (Imbornoni 1). Women now possessed the ability to participate in elections and influence the decisions of society. Women became part of the government during this time as well. Several women served in the House of Representatives and the Senate, starting in 1917 (â€Å"Women’s History in America† 1). The Food and Drug Administration approved birth control pills in 1960 (Imbornoni 1).Women now possessed more control over pregnancy. They could now choose to put off having children, while still remaining sexually active. â€Å"The Equal Pay Act of 1963 required equal wages for men and women doing equal work (â€Å"Women’s H istory in America† 1). † â€Å"Despite the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women in 1970 were paid about 45 percent less than men for the same jobs; in 1988, about 32 percent less. Professional women did not get the important assignments and promotions given to their male colleagues (1). † Laws could not completely halt the discrimination of women.Men have always been regarded and treated better than women in the United States. This is partly due to the long standing patriarchal beliefs and practices of our country. â€Å"The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination against women by any company with 25 or more employees (1). † In 1967, executive order 11375 made discrimination based on gender illegal (Imbornoni 1). Women now could share the same opportunities for employment as white males. The Supreme Court upheld a decision stating sex-specific help wanted ads in newspapers were illegal in 1973 (1).By 1985, every state had adopted a law allowing couples t o divorce by mutual consent. California was the first state to ratify the law in 1969. (1). Women could now end marriages they no longer wished to be a part of. Roe vs. Wade (1973) gave women the right to a legal abortion and overturned previous anti-abortion laws (1). Women could now end a pregnancy on their own behalf without legal recourse. The twentieth century provided women with many rights, increased their equality in society, and moved the country farther from its traditional patriarchal beliefs.Without the great strides made in these few decades, women would still occupy the same inferior place in society as they did during the previous centuries. See my suggestion above regarding sentence combining. Patriarchy continues to be part of the United States in the present day. Almost everyone participates in patriarchy whether they wish to or not. The practice has been ingrained into so many aspects of our society; it has basically become a part of the individual. Our society co ntains traits of being dominated by males, male centered, and male identified. These males are frequently obsessed with power and control.Many males go along with patriarchy because it directly benefits them. Abolishing patriarchy would threaten their power and control (Smith 1). People in power, men in this case, want to keep it this way. Historically speaking, powerful positions tend to be regarded as a man’s job. Therefore, as a society we tend to expect our doctors, lawyers, government officials, CEOs, and spiritual leaders to be men as well (1). Society has in the past, and somewhat to this day, associated being a male as a quality for high level positions, and therefore has confused the position with the person in the position (1).Many make assumptions of men being more qualified than women without actually knowing the qualifications of the individual because of this practice. Maleness and masculinity are often used as a basis for comparison in society, and anything not male or masculine is considered less or abnormal. This is clearly evident according to Smith, â€Å"We see the evidence of this characteristic every day in fields like medicine and law where a male lawyer, judge or doctor is just called a lawyer, judge, or doctor, but a female holding the same position is a ‘woman lawyer', a ‘woman judge', a ‘woman doctor'.This is because the assumption is that someone in that position should be male. That is the ‘normal' way of things. When someone who is not male is in one of those positions, we feel the need to identify it as ‘other' (1). † Women still receive less pay than a man for the same job. In 2009, President Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act, which allows victims (mostly women) of pay discrimination to file a complaint within 180 days of their last paycheck. The law was named after a Goodyear employee who was paid fifteen to forty percent less than her male counterparts (Imborno ni 1).Our society is remarkably male centered. Men are associated with power so it is normal and expected of them to be in the political spotlight. Because of this association, it is hardly noticed that the news, in general, focuses on men and stories pertaining to them (Smith 1). Men are on the covers of magazines, in the news, and their stories are on television. Stories and ads are directly influenced by the gaze of men (1). Smith hits the nail on the head when he says, Block quotes of four lines or more by tabbing twice and deleting quotation marks—e. g. In women's magazines, we see ads that feature women who are nearly naked, advertising bras or the clothes they are almost wearing. This is not because women like to look at other women but because women are being taught that they have to look a certain way in order for men to like them. Even the articles in women's magazine are male centered as the focus on such topics as ‘ways to please him' and ‘how to know if your man is cheating'. The male gaze, and thus male centeredness, is something that we cannot get away from. (1) As time has pressed on, women now enjoy much more freedom and potential in society presently than ever before.Women now hold many high level jobs, run companies, and are eligible to pursue careers in any field. Patriarchy has diminished greatly over the years but is still evident. It will continue to exist in America if society continues to be male centered. Men will surely hold on to their privilege and power however they can. Patriarchy in society is essentially a power struggle between the sexes. Women gaining power equates to men losing their previous level of power in society. Perhaps one day our society will be completely egalitarian. A woman has never been elected president.Maybe society needs a woman in the highest achievable position in order to reduce the influence of patriarchy. No other event or position could influence the changing of tradition and upset t he power men hold in society as much as a woman being the commander and chief. CONCLUSION For thousands of years, we have lived in â€Å"a man’s world†. Since human civilizations emerged, men have been in charge, ruled the lands, and determined the paths of people to come. So many generations have lived by this belief in pure, conscious or subconscious patriarchal means, and now times are changing.Today, women are enjoying a higher level of freedom, and are stepping up to positions unheard of for women to hold a century ago. Many nations have female presidents, and women all over the world are universally striving for equality. However, change cannot occur overnight. In around a century, we have witnessed a miraculous progression of universal women’s rights coming into existence, a surge of females into a broad, professional workforce, and governmental influences being carried out by female politicians. The more aware women are of patriarchal influences in socie ty, the more can be done to advance universal equality.Equality is essential to rid the world of the belief that a woman cannot do a man’s job or is less qualified because of her gender. You’ve done an excellent job researching this topic. You have a good thesis and support. If you decide to revise this paper and resubmit as the final paper, then consider the following: paragraph combining; consistent use of MLA style throughout, including parenthetical citations and the Works Cited page; and proofread carefully, as there are serious errors in this paper—for example, noun/verb disagreements and fragments. Grade: B-

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Example

Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Example Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Advantages Of Using A Safe Box Information Technology Essay Essay Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the subdivision of computing machine scientific discipline that aims to make it. AI textbooks specify the field as the survey and design of intelligent agents where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximise its opportunities of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as the scientific discipline and technology of doing intelligent machines. AI research is extremely proficient and specialised, profoundly divided into subfields that frequently fail to pass on with each other. Subfields have grown up around peculiar establishments, the work of single research workers, the solution of specific jobs, longstanding differences of sentiment about how AI should be done and the application of widely differing tools. The cardinal jobs of AI include such traits as logical thinking, cognition, planning, acquisition, communicating, perceptual experience and th e ability to travel and pull strings objects. General intelligence ( or strong AI ) is still among the field s long term ends. For this assignment, our group will give an illustration of unreal intelligent system which is safe box. Safety box can besides be defined as safe box, electronic box, and biometric lock circuit or security box. Every householder has certain paperss, money, and household hoarded wealth that they want to maintain safe and secure within their ain place. But non every place will be able to maintain their hoarded wealth safe and non hold to worry about losing a key or burying a combination. A security box can assist maintain your valuables safe from fire and H2O. Our security boxes come in different sizes and give you a assortment of characteristics to take from such as transporting grips, cardinal locks or digital locks, froth tablets and security overseas telegrams ; every bit good as being fireproof, rainproof or mountable. Security boxes are great for hive awaying paperss, jewelry, hard currency, laptops, passports, little guns and more. It have LCD, fingerprint ID lock watchword loc k Control panels circuit board Electronic, digital, cardinal pin, card swipe, biometric, locks for safes, high quality and lowest monetary value. You can open by fingerprint, numeral codification or key. Safe box is uses high-capacity fingerprint acknowledgment detectors for fast and accurate confirmation. Merchandise Class: Biometric Solutions Model VIRDI Fingerprint Safe200 ( Fingerprint + Password+ Key ) 45KG Hand Punch Time and Attendance RF ID Lockers Problem Statement What will go on if safe box does non be in our life? John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines unreal intelligence it as the scientific discipline and technology of doing intelligent machines. Before the unreal intelligence system was set up there are many offense which happen most of the clip, the ground that we ever hear is the people involve more in offense like nerving, rob, putting to death, and etc. Because non holding the safe box, some of the people besides will frighten to maintain their expensive thing at place because they think it is non safe, so they will be have oning them when they go out. But in this state of affairs, it may pull the stealer when they see a individual who have oning with an expensive thing likes jewelries. When the stealers can non acquire entree to procure belongingss, there is a opportunity to allow the stealers will stalk and assail the belongings proprietor to derive entree. If the point is secured with a biometric device, the harm to the proprietor could be irreversible, and potentially cost more than the secured belongings. So it may do the people insecure if there is non holding a safe box. Other than that, the job that we ever face before the safety box is exist in our life is when we planned to travel for a vacation or even went out for a piece to the market the first things came cross our head is, is my material is save if I leave the house? Where we traveling to conceal our things? Can we swear our neighbors? What if natural catastrophe happens? Example like inundation, fire, tsunami, or possibly earth temblor and some accident could be happen. What we suppose make to? All this is the inquiry that ever cross in everyone head, this will be go oning if safe box does non be in our life. Furthermore, if safe box does non be in our life, People use to maintain their valuable material inside the closet, herder, under the bed and some even merely purchase a wooden box and a key-lock to maintain the things indoors. Another job that we ever worry about is the per centum of holding broken by larceny or being rob is about 90 per centum non every twelvemonth or every month but about every twenty-four hours. When this happen people scared to go forth their house and some even take the hazard to convey their valuable material together where of all time they go. Besides, since this safety box is a high-end merchandise which applied high engineering, the monetary value might be excessively expensive and it is non low-cost by most of the household. No safe box may do the unaffordable household to set their of import papers or expensive thing at place. In add-on, this fingerprint safety box might be excessively sensitive and sometimes could non observe the injured, sudating or soiled fingerprint. If the mechanical key is merely kept by the proprietor, so there will be no other can open the safety box when there is an exigency. If you ever change the watchword it will do you confused with the watchword you have change or you might retrieve your old watchword. Some of the job is when you meet with accident, it can be route accident, it besides can be at your work topographic point particularly when the accident impact your fingerprint, it will take to difficulty to open the box and one job have non work out another one is coming. So, can see it there are a batch of job if we no holding a safe box. Since the universe has been upgrade the engineering has discover one time of the save manner to maintain things which they have design, trial, make a comparing and produce from a batch of stuff. They eventually found the most suited stuff which is metal, safe box. Description: Degree centigrade: UsersUserDownloadsimages ( 4 ) .jpg Advantages There are a batch of advantages of this fingerprint safety box. Safe box provides you with sleek, safe A ; convenient storage for anything better than maintain your material in a herder or even put it under your mattress. For illustration, hoarded wealth, money, of import papers and any of import thing because the safe box is no easy to open without the key, watchword, and fingerprint. If user s incorrect action causes lock failure or lost cardinal, he or she can seek to verify it with fingerprint. So even the users forgot the watchword, or lost the key, he or she besides can open the safe box with his or her fingerprint. In add-on, its heavy weight is besides a benefit as it is non easy to be stolen by any stealer. The dismay system besides seen as a powerful defends for avoids the stealer force to open it. Furthermore, its compact size allows you to hive away your valuables in tight infinites or even while going. The high engineering of this safe box enable the proprietor to minim ise the clip of opening safety box by merely a finger touch on the scanner on the safety box, it will be automatically opened. This is one of the unreal intelligence parts of this safety box, thumbprint. Besides, it is about impossible for a stealer or other individual beside the proprietor himself to open the safety box and acquire the valuable things in the safety box. In add-on, watchwords can be cracked and locks can be picked, but it is a batch more hard to forge a fingerprint, the stealer must acquire the proprietor s fingerprint, watchword, and key, are highly impossible. The proprietor could merely manus over the mechanical key which is a trim key of the safety box that can open it without the fingerprint and watchword to person trusted to maintain it as for exigency usage. Following, utilizing this safe box does non necessitate us to wait because the door will open within a 2nd automatically when it accepts and acknowledge your fingerprint, your watchword and key. Safety box is non like computing machine where it requires excess hardware and package. It is easy and safely used by kids, pupils, and handicapped people at any topographic point for case, around the schools, infi rmaries and busy concern environments. This box besides can be used carried to both indoor and out-of-door with reversible grip. Another benefit of utilizing this box is locks can non be manipulated or bypassed. Each finger is alone with ain type. It excessively provides automatic dismay system as if the safe is non closed decently, the low battery warning dismay which will alarm us to be more careful will work. Pry cogent evidence physique and carpeted inside of the safe box besides give protect your of import points from any harm. These particular surface interventions for both inside and outside brand satisfying designs for places. Last, A interlocks with direction package ( VIRDI Audit Viewer ) to pull off safe entree history and timer apparatus for transparent and efficient usage of safe. However, some might questioned what would go on if the proprietor is in exigency but could non make the safety box in clip. Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Specification The specificationsA of safe box are that it is a safe box which holding the fingerprint system and mechanical key system and watchword system which with 12 keys numeral computer keyboard and the protection dismay system. It besides a safe box that advanced arithmetic optimizes image direction and alone fingerprint acknowledgment engineering. This safe box can verify with the fingerprint system and watchword system and mechanical key. If fail to unlock withA fingerprint, you could utilize mechanical key and watchword system for exigency. Pull offing fingerprint automatically, the fingerprint will be saved when near the door, and cleared when open the door automatically, really convenient for usage, and low-tension dismay. Emergency dismay Buzzer and illuming led when it forced opening door, clip to replace by new battery Buzzer when it is input incorrect watchword over 4 times ( no working for 30 2nd ) . It besides supports external power. It has stainless steel organic structure. The safe box look intoing control history can ( up to max 5,000 ) . The stuff and the lock type of safe box are the solid steel and the electronic. It holding 240mm ( W ) A- 335mm ( H ) A- 242mm ( D ) of internal dimensions and 360mm ( W ) A- 455mm ( H ) A- 370mm ( D ) of external measurings. The mass ( kg/Lbs. ) and capacity ( three-dimensional pess ) of safe box are 55kg/99Lbs and 0.69cubic pess. The false credence rate is lower than 0.0001 % FRR and the false rejection rate besides lower than 0.01 % . This Safe box merely can be located in -10 to 55celcius degree topographic points. It is utilizing the USB overseas telegram with Audit Viewer package and the system power supply is 4AA ( battery ) 6V. The safe box owns 16 difference types of coloring material. This safe box enables to look into opening A ; shutting informations and history, and the informations through separate users fingerprint. It besides has 32bit RISC, 80 Template Capacity, 5000 Log Stored, 2 LED A ; Buzzeer. The battery operated about for 15months. Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Measurement: 200*420*370mm, Width of organic structure: 1.3mm, Width of door: 6mm, Net weight: 10kgs Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Description: hypertext transfer protocol: // Decision Safe box is a security box and type of unreal intelligence system which will supply human being with smooth, safe A ; convenient storage for anything such as of import paperss, hoarded wealth, money, and any of import thing because the safe box is no easy to open without the key, watchword, and fingerprint. It is expedient to utilize as it does non necessitate users to transport particular tools for confirmation. Besides, interlocks with direction package ( VIRDI Audit Viewer ) to pull off safe entree history and timer apparatus for transparent and efficient usage of safe. Furthermore, strong anti-fire capacity that passed the two-hour anti-fire cheque of the Korea Institute of Construction Technology. It excessively make available automatic dismay system as if the safe is non closed decently, the low battery warning dismay which will alarm us to be more cautious will work. It is about impossible for a stealer or other individual beside the proprietor himself to open the safety box and acquire the cherished materials in the safety box. Safe Boxs are great for all people unreplaceable points of worth.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Classics Never Dies How Friends and KeKe Can Improve Your English 101 Essay

Classics Never Dies How Friends and KeKe Can Improve Your English 101 Essay English is a compulsory course in Chinese schools. However, like in many nations in the world, the English teaching in China mainly focuses on grammar and exams, which makes the subject very boring. Students have little to no interest in English and always find it a hard subject due to the wrong teaching method. Luckily, even if the school is not reliable and the education system is poor, there are still ways to learn English. Among all the interesting methods, watching TV series is one of the most powerful methods. The benefit of using TV shows to study a language is that it’s fun, and it caters to the psychological needs of the youth. Ever wondered how Japanese became a popular language among youth globally? This is due to the attraction of anime. Korean is also a language liked by many girls in western nations. That is thanks to Korean dramas. And here comes the conclusion: it is the same way that English TV shows can make English learning fun to the Chinese youth. As a matter of fact, some Chinese students do gain their interest through English TV shows. Once they have some favored stars, they want to watch more of their works and understand them better. Thus, they have the desire to learn English well. Out of all the English dramas that have been made so far, Friends is the most popular among the Chinese youth. In comparison with other TV shows like The Big Bang Theory, Prison Break the vocabulary in Friends is simpler and the speaking speed is slightly slower. This sitcom even has a copycat Chinese version called iPartment. You can see how popular it is across the nation. Friends can be a beginner TV series in learning English for Chinese students. Yet, due to copyrights issues, Friends is not available in on Chinese websites and it is hard to download them as. This is because few Chinese sites provide the downloading link. Luckily, with the powerful app Keke English, you can still find the audio of this show. This app provides the full episodes of all ten seasons. Just type â€Å"è€ Ã¥ â€¹Ã¨ ® °Ã¢â‚¬ in the search bar and you’ll find all of them. Each episode is cut into two footages, and every footage is 12 or 13 mins long. When you enter the study interface to listen to the audio, you’ll find bilingual subtitles. Every sentence has the function of loop playback, you can be repeated as many times as you want after the audio. And if you encounter a new word, you just touch it once and the Chinese meaning will show up immediately at the bottom along with the audio given. Press the loudspeaker, then you’ll hear the pronunciation said by native speakers. Click â€Å"æ · »Ã¥Å   Ã§â€Å¸Ã¨ ¯ Ã¢â‚¬  and you can add the word to your wordlist. Later you can find more details of the word in your wordlist. KeKe provides both British and American pronunciation, along with explanations in Chinese and English. You can also find model sentences together with some relevant phrases. Besides, this app also gives you a word test through listening and dictation. Just move your fingers on the smartphone and you can enjoy learning English within mins. And in order to enhance your English listening and speaking skills, it’s suggested to listen to each audio 4 or 5 times. After listening to the audio for the 1st time, check the script for the new words and phrases you don’t know. You can firstly practise them in the Keke English vocabulary test, and then take them down in your notebook. These are the parts where you can improve your English. You may learn ten new words or phrases in one episode, and the more you listen or watch, the more you’ll become adapted to native speakers’ speaking speed and intonation. For any students who want to enjoy the real TV series, they can also choose to buy it online. An important thing you need to remember is practising regularly. If you only spend very short time or quickly abandon it, you won’t make any progress in your English. It’s just like running, if you haven’t run for a while, your speed and stamina could drop sharply. It is the same with English. In each practice, the time should be at least an hour. For those who use the videos to learn, they can download bilingual subtitles. One should at least watch each episode 3 times. The 1st time close the subtitles whilst watching the episode, and at the 2nd time open the subtitles and check the parts you don’t understand, then take down the new words and phrases into your notebook, have a self-dictation after reviewing the episode. And at the 3rd time, once again you watch it without subtitles, then you’ll find you really make progress this time. If you still have unclear parts, you can choose to watch one or two more times. As a classic sitcom, Friends can always bring you a lot of laughter. So, why not learn English with something can make you happy? It will give you motivation for continuous learning. Through such happy English learning method, you’re surely to do well in the English 101 essay.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

9 Ways of Saying Down in Spanish

9 Ways of Saying Down in Spanish Down is one of those simple, everyday words that can be especially challenging to translate to Spanish. One reason is that it can function as five parts of speech: most commonly an adverb, but also as a preposition, verb, noun and adjective. But even within those categories, theres no consistent way of translating the word. In many cases, the best approach to take in translation is to reword the English and then translate that. For example, if you try translating a sentence such as Im down to only one dollar word-for-word, youll find yourself confused at best. Instead, try using the verb quedar, often used to indicate a remaining quantity. The idea is expressed with Me queda sà ³lo un dà ³lar, which literally means Only one dollar remains for me. Down as the Opposite of Up That said, in many contexts - such as when down means the opposite of up and indicates motion or direction - it is possible to use the adverb abajo, either by itself or in combination with other words, or the related verb bajar, which typically means to go down. This includes most cases where down is functioning as an adverb. Some examples: When I look down I feel dizzy. Cuando miro para abajo me mareo.The accident left him paralyzed from the neck down. El accidente lo dejà ³ paralizado desde el cuello para abajo.The Bilbao Market has gone down 22.72 points at midsession. La Bolsa de Bilbao ha bajado 22,72 puntos a media sesià ³n.Its essential that the roots grow downward in order to maximize the absorption of water. Es esencial que las raà ­ces crezcan hacia abajo para que maximizar su absorcià ³n de agua.Gravitational force pulls the satellite downward. La fuerza gravitatoria tira del satà ©lite hacia abajo.We have to get down from the train at the border. Tenemos que bajar del tren en la frontera.Everyone from the governor down is immersed in a web of corruption. Todos desde el gobernador para ajabo estn inmersos in una aurealoa de corrupcià ³n.Another possibility for adventurers is to camp down in the canyon. Otra posibilidad para los aventureros es acampar abajo en el caà ±Ãƒ ³n.The temperature went down fro m 30 degrees to 20 degrees. La temperatura se bajà ³ de 30 grados hasta 20 grados. I prefer to sleep face down. Prefiero dormir boca abajo. Down as an Adjective When down functions as a adjective in English, it often has a specialized meaning that depends on the context. Youll usually be best off recasting the English before translating: The wireless network is down today. La red inalmbrica no funciona hoy. (Literally, the wireless network isnt working today.)She knew he was down with the flu because she called him twice. Sabà ­a que à ©l estaba enfermo de influenza porque ella le llamà ³ dos veces. (Down here is being used as roughly synonymous with sick.)Were down 10 points. Estamos perdiendo por diez puntos. (Literally, were losing by 10 points.)Its a shame that he is always down on himself. Es lstima que à ©l se menosprecie a sà ­ mismo. (The phrase to be down on someone is a colloquial way of indicating that someone devalues someone.)They have me down for 2 p.m. Tengo una cita para 2 de la tarde. (Literally, I have an appointment for 2 p.m.)The down payment normally is a percentage of the price of the house. El pago inicial normalmente es un porcentaje del precio de la casa. Down as a Particle Down is a part of many English phrasal verbs - verbs that are made up of a verb followed by down to form a phrase that has a meaning separate from the verb by itself. To translate, these two-word verbs must be learned separately just as any other vocabulary. Here are a few of many possible examples: My mother isnt going to back down so easily. Mi madre no va a recular tan fcil.The bar was shut down for not meeting safety requirements. El bar fue clausurado por no cumplir las medidas de seguridad.He bowed down before the statue. Se inclinà ³ ante la estatua.The Iowa woman burned down a friends house because she defriended her on Facebook. La mujer de Iowa incendià ³ la casa de una amiga porque la eliminà ³ del Facebook.The government is cracking down on illegal arms sales. El gobierno toma medidas enà ©rgicas contra la venta ilegal de armas.My cousin is unable to  hold down a job. Mi prima no puede durar en un trabajo. (Literally, my cousin is unable to last in a job.)The mayor played down the murders. El alcalde no le dio tanta importancia a los asesinatos. (Literally, the mayor did not give much importance to the murders.) Down as a Noun The down of a bird is typically referred to as el plumà ³n, although a down pillow is referred to as una almohada de plumas. The down of a fruit is known as la pelusa. In football, a down is usually un down. Down as a Verb As a verb, down usually refers to shooting something down from the sky. A good verb to use is derribar. The Soviets downed the plane with a simple attack.  Los sovià ©ticos  derribaron el avià ³n  con un simple ataque.   Down Syndrome The congenital condition is known as el sà ­ndrome de Down, sometimes abbreviated as SD. (Sources: Sample sentences are adapted from a variety of sources written by native Spanish speakers. Among those consulted for this lesson are 20minutos; Twitter conversations; Biologà ­a y Geologà ­, Ciencias pra el uno Contemporneo; Visià ³n Santigueà ±a; Tatoeba; Namancambre Tours; Finanzas Prcticas; and

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Law on Torts in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Law on Torts in Australia - Essay Example The law is clear on the fact that the defendant had no right to touch the person of the plaintiff as the defendant did not have any arrest warrant authorizing him to take Tom into custody.3 Upon refusal by the plaintiff to accompany the defendant to the police station, the defendant should have left the premises and proceeded to go and obtain a court order or a warrant of arrest that would have allowed him to take the plaintiff into custody for questioning4. The plaintiff could argue that the actions of the two defendants caused economic injury to his business as a result of their insisting on questioning him within the premises of Tom’s business property at the reception area in full view of his waiting customers. Hargrave v Goldman (1936) 110 CLR 40, 495 (Windeyer J). Tom can argue that the actions of the two officers had adversely affected his business by portraying him negatively in full view of the customers. Tom can also claim that his business suffered extensive loss as a result of the Defendant officer Derk detaining him for longer than was actually necessary at the police station even after he had questioned him for a reasonable duration of time without a warrant or court order authorizing him to do so.6 Causes of Court Action Available to the Plaintiff The Plaintiff can take several legal recourses against the defendants. In the case of Tom, the plaintiff versus Officers Derk and Falcon, the defendants, he can be able to sue the two for trespassing onto his property as was seen in the case of Adams v. State of New South Wales & ors (2001) New South Wales District Court.7 The law defines trespass as â€Å"Trespass is a tortious cause of action dealing with direct and intentional interferences to either the person, land or to goods.† Reynolds v Clarke (1725) 1 Str 634. They can be sued as a result of their refusal to leave the plaintiff’s property even after he had asked them to do so. The two defendants also went on to search the p laintiffs workshop without a warrant and are liable to be sued for conducting an illegal search as was in the case of Curran & ors v. Walsh & ors (1998) unreported, New South Wales District Court.8 In the case of The Plaintiff Tom Versus the defendant Officer Falcon, the plaintiff can sue the defendant for trespass on his person. By placing his hand on the plaintiff’s shoulder, the defendant had directly and deliberately caused there to be physical contact between his person and the plaintiff’s person without the consent or the legal justification to do so and hence was liable to be sued.9 In the case of the plaintiff, Tom versus the defendant, officer Derk, the plaintiff could sue for economic damages sustained as a result of the officer retaining him for questioning at the police station for too long. In the case of â€Å"Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd v The Dredge â€Å"Willemstad† [1976] HCA 6510† Caltex were able to recover damages for the economic l osses they suffered without having suffered any actual physical damage.11 Tom was unnecessarily detained for questioning irrespective of the fact that the plaintiff had come to the station on his

Friday, October 18, 2019

Heidegger's Being and Time Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Heidegger's Being and Time - Assignment Example The same explanation defines the difference in the indication between beings. The difference in beings is influenced by the fact that there is a great different in their constitutive equipment. Heidegger points out that the constitutive equipment difference in being helps one define a particular being. This form of differentiation is the most effective way if understanding a being (51). Heidegger points out that our concernful dealings are effectively put across after the equipment for indicating gets used to us (36). Additionally, each being has a particular way of indicating itself using indicating equipment. With time, the indicating equipment becomes a natural part of a being. One does not need to influence the direction of the equipment since it has already adapted to its requirements due to understanding the being. Heidegger introduces the sign-equipment which is used to detect turn signals in a being. The sign-equipment is a tool that detects any changes in the normal operations of a person. The sign equipment needs t directed by the day to day activity of a person. With time, the sign equipment gets to adapt the daily routine and can be used effectively to determine the behavior of a person. Heidegger points out that a being cannot control behavior or a vice practiced over a long period of time (44). When Heidegger says â€Å"the sign†, he refers to the behavior or characteristics displays by a being over a certain period of time. Time is the main factor when determining the sign. The sign adapted over a long period of time becomes the main sign of being in regards to a particular behavior adapted. Heidegger points out that the sign becomes the determining feature to the worldly and general characteristic that makes a being (54). The sign is detected with the sign equipment that becomes uncontrollable after understanding the totality of a being over time. From the detected sign, one may comfortably categorize a being

Tongan cultural Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Tongan cultural Diversity - Essay Example Majority of the people are farmers or fishermen. There are no major metropolitan areas in Tonga and the numerous islands are dotted by closely located villages. The Tongans or the Polynesians are a group that inhabit about hundred and fifty islands lying to the east of Fiji. The human population is neatly confined on islands that are separated by vast expanses of oceans. These islands vary in size, resources and degree of isolation. Each of these settlements developed their distinctive features in isolation. The wide variety of cultural differences found within the same group has been a cause of study by various ethnologists and archaeologists. Polynesia has been called a cultural laboratory because of the adaptive variation of a single culture on its far-flung islands and island groups (Davidson, 1977). Polynesia was isolated from other cultures but did have interactions with other cultural traditions. It developed some of its distinctive features through interaction with West Polynesia and Fiji. Similarities between the various West Polynesian cultures have been found due to the same origin. According to D’Arcy (2003), the Pacific Islanders were highly localized in their affinities and expansive in their interactions. As a result they embraced multiple cultural affinities, both local and regional. Western Polynesia consisted of two archipelagos – Tonga and Samoa and a few other smaller more isolated islands. All of these islands shared many common features with Fiji. Interaction with other communities meant that change could be very rapid and changes to one community’s circumstances could have regional implications. Distinct variants of the Polynesian language and culture can be noticed in each of the islands and even though the dialects differ, they can be recognized as dialects of a single language. in The Tongan island consists of smaller islands with a total

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Statistical Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Statistical Analysis - Research Paper Example i.e. EF = RxC / ss Non B.A/Eng Eng. B.A Total Europeans 14.4 10.8 19.8 Asians 11.2 8.4 15.4 African 6.4 4.8 8.8 Total The above table contains the expected frequency of each cell Step3: test the two assumptions. All the frequencies are greater than 1 and none of them is less than 5. Step4: select the significance level a. we usually take a at 5% Step5: calculate the critical value 2a with df. Critical value is the area of right skewed curve that is to be rejected. df=(R-1) x (C-1). Here df =(3-1) x (3-1)= 4. As a is 0.05 and df =4, we calculated the critical value from the right skewed table. The value from the table is 14.86 Step6: calculate the value of the test statistic i.e. 2 = (OF-EF) 2 / EF In this case 2 turns out be 1.07 Step 7: compare the value of 2 that of 2a. Since 2 does falls in the critical value (rejected area), will not reject null hypothesis. Step 8: write the conclusion At the significance level of 5%, it is proved from the data given the table that there is no association between Non-American students and the disciplines. B. Define "causation" in statistical analysis. Describe at least two factors that influence relationships between two variables and can lead to misinterpretation of data analysis. Causation tells the relationship between two variables. The occurrence of one variable (event) results the occurrence of the other variable (event), this phenomena is causation. This means that the second variable is dependent on first variable. This means that if second event has occurred, then the first event would have already occurred. But it is not necessary that occurrence of first event must always leads to the occurrence of second event. For example, to...For example, the number of people having hot coffee and the number of people taking sauna bath in gym may not be caused by each other. However, coldness may be reasons for both events. However, it is not necessary that one or the other may cause two variables, which are changing simultaneously, can be cause of any one. For example, the speed of wind and the number of cars on the road are not associated to each other. It is important to note that the symptoms must not be considered as cause. For example, B is caused by A and C is caused by B. Actually that not the case. C is also caused by A. B is just the symptom of A, which cannot be considered as cause. The statistician should be aware of averages when computing for extreme values i.e. have outliers. Averages cannot be applied in this case, however if you remove the extreme values, which are in outliers, only then you can you averages.