Monday, October 7, 2019

Winnie Mandela Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Winnie Mandela - Annotated Bibliography Example In addition the accounts of her points of view and quotations showed dedication to her country, family and belief. This perspective is important in the study as an exhibit of her impact in uplifting the role of the women in history. In this book, the main focus is the life of Nelson Mandela. Winnie Mandela is presented as the woman who always stood by her husband. This is important in the study of Winnie Mandela as a woman in world history since it gives another perspective to the role of the female gender in the society, specifically that of the counterpart of a great leader. Here the influence and contribution of a woman as a wife can be analyzed specifically since Winnie Mandela is also politically and socially active. This particular book is an additional reference important in the in-depth exploration of the life of Winnie Mandela. Although there are numerous opinions regarding her life with and without Nelson Mandela, this book presents the background of a woman that contributed in the change of the view of the society regarding woman leaders. This book presented the root of Winnie Mandela’s priorities being from a family of social workers and political activists. This is also an update of her life from past biographies written about her. The article in Britannica is a detailed reference of the information related to Winnie Mandela. In addition to different depiction of her life, it is important to have specific details which can be viewed clearly in this online reference. This article looks at a certain perspective in relation to the actions undertaken and committed by Winnie Mandela that resulted to her imprisonment and the separation with Nelson Mandela. This is an important part of her life which can be used as a reference for her great strength or her cunning

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